Cultivating A Biblical Worldview
Simply defined, “worldview” is the manner in which we view the world, or the way we see things. It is essential to consider our worldview because how we see things determines decisions, direction, and even discussions that occur in our lives. "How we see" often sets the course for our lives.
A child's view of the world is quite limited. As we mature in life, our views and opinions can change based upon education, environment, and experiences. Example: I was a teenager during one of the most tumultuous times in American history. The 1960's ushered in many changes into our society; the entire landscape was transformed!
I can remember my “hippie” years with remarkable clarity. I lived through the era of Vietnam, Civil Rights, free love, and all the rest. I can remember the first time I was allowed to vote in a presidential election, and I was anxious to cast my ballot for the person whom I believed would lead America into the future. To be sure, George McGovern was my choice. Of course, history records that my guy lost in one of the greatest landslides in modern times. By the time the 80’s rolled around, I was a staunch Ronald Reagan fan. What happened? My worldview was being radically transformed as I gained understanding.
I have been a follower of Christ for nearly 35 years. However, claiming Christ as Lord does not mean that one's worldview necessarily changes. Think about it . . . the vast majority of Americans still claim to be Christian, yet the Church in America continues to be deeply divided. Believers cannot even agree on issues that seem so clear from a biblical perspective (abortion, homosexuality, marriage, etc.).
Make no mistake, changing our worldview requires time and effort. Scripture clearly instructs us:
“Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, Amplified).
Many seem to think they have and demonstrate a biblical worldview simply because they are “saved.” Scripture states that we have “the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16); however, that does not mean we always think like Jesus thinks. We must “gird up the loins” of our mind in order to think and make decisions that are in agreement with God’s Word.
Apostle Paul reminds us to study the Scriptures in order to gain understanding of God’s Kingdom principles for life. However, knowledge in itself will not cause us to think and live in right alignment with our Creator. We must also resign ourselves to His authority and yield to His Spirit. God’s Word must become the final authority in our lives. God’s Word is the final authority by which all things will be judged.
Allow me to share a simple equation:
Meditation = Clear Thinking = Good Decisions = Good Success
Success = Knowing and Doing the Will of God (nothing, more, nothing less, nothing else)
People of God, the world is in chaos and much confusion seems to have invaded the Church, yet we have what America and the world so desperately need.
May we take the time and make the effort to present our bodies to God, get our minds renewed, and be the powerful influence that we are called to be as we demonstrate the principles and priorities of God’s Kingdom on the earth!
Grace & Peace,