America has its first black president! It is appropriate that the citizens of this nation celebrate the accomplishment of president-elect Obama. When many of us were children, it seemed this historic event might never come in our lifetime. It may be totally accurate to say that only in America could a man with a white mom from Kansas and a black dad from Kenya become, what many consider, the most powerful individual in the land and perhaps even the world.
The very atmosphere around us has been transformed. It is very reminiscent of when some of us were young and John Kennedy was elected. Back then, many thought a Catholic could never be president. Today, we can walk around in Sam's or Wal-Mart and there is a unique feeling all around. It is real, almost tangible.
For those who are upset about the outcome, there are some instructions given in Scripture.
"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God" (Romans 13:1, NKJV).
In addition, as believers, we are instructed to pray for our leaders.
"Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, {2} for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. {3} For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior," (1 Timothy 2:1-3, NKJV).
It is vitally important that Kingdom citizens pray for our government leaders at this time. This is especially true in regard to those at the top. Please pray for the man chosen to be our next president. Pray for his family as well.
We are not instructed to pray only for those with whom we share views or core values. God's view on such issues as life and homosexuality has not changed. The shedding of innocent blood is still sin. There is none more innocent than those in the womb.
The same book of Romans that instructs us to submit to governing authorities also makes clear that "men with men committing what is shameful" is immoral. When these types of acts become acceptable to the people of God, particularly spiritual leaders, there will always be a price to pay. History will record that God will not remain silent or idle. All one has to do is study where we have been in order to better understand where we are.
May we continue to seek truth and embrace it, walk in love and demonstrate it, and allow God's Word and Spirit to direct our steps.
In Him,
Hello Pastor, this is E'Mon Mitchell. I enjoyed your blog, I actually wrote an op-ed citing the two scriptures you used in Romans and Timothy.
My question to you on one particular issue is the issue of homosexuality. I understand that the church against this sinful practice. Outside of being anti-gay marriage, what else is there (from the stand point of voting?) Is that all we can do? We all know that homosexuals have been here since the days of old. I'm sure they're not going anywhere any time soon. On a final note, as screwed up as this nation is, I believe that if California, one of the most liberal states in the Union, voted to uphold a ban on homosexual marriage, it says something about us on this issue as a nation. Feel free to email me at
Be blessed.
Hey Pastor peace and blessings. You asked us to respond so here goes. That a black man has been elected president (emphasis on "Black Man") is still even after the fact almost unbelieveable.
As part of the "last generation" of blacks to have personal experience with the discrimination that has existed in this nation from it's inception, it still seems like a dream. I was trying to explain to someone all the nuanced meanings that this event portends., and they responded "I can't get into all of that, you got a black president what more do you want". and Yes they were black like me.
As a Christian I see, now, the serendipitous hand of God working His work in order to move mankind along to His end , for His purposes. To have forged this end in this land , at this time tells me that God is in control and that His Book "The Bible" is as true as ever, also that if there has ever been a time to get our house in order (as the old saints used to say) That time is Now. We must cry loud and spare not. Which will not endear us to any worldly politic.
While we stand against abortion and homosexuality we do so as God's people and not to gain political and or legal advantage over our adversaries. Our fight is for hearts and minds and as a fighter in my earlier days I know that when the fight gets desparate, fighters resort to desparate measures.
We as Christians want this nation to be a CHRISTIAN nation so badly that we resort to man made systems to gain our supposed Godly ends.We paint ourselves in the corners with one side or another and so suffer the same fate. Jesus said that somethings would only come through fasting and praying. This I fervently believe if not always practice. Anyway, I believe that if we are to fight against sin and unrighteousness then we must fight, teach, speak out, preach and prophesy against it all with the love of God, which may seem oxymoronic to many.
In closing Pastor I agree:
May we continue to seek truth and embrace it, walk in love and demonstrate it, and allow God's Word and Spirit to direct our steps.
Dan Rivers
I definitely agree with you regarding the "atmosphere" after the election, especially among other minorities. It seemed as if many of my co-workers had a new since of empowerment and self pride...being a black male, I can and do appreciate the historical significance of this time; though I did not vote for him, I also had a since of pride during his acceptance/victory speech and I was excited.
However, I do feel as if many of those whom I know who voted for President Elect Obama had very little understanding and in some cases concern for/of his policies and the ramifications of his policies; I say this because some of his positions, policies, and past voting decisions were/are contrary to the values/principles of many of the people who voted for him. But regardless of how people may have voted I was concerned about the way the election seemed to divide the "the body" between those voting based kingdom principles and those voting who were influence by race or "wordly" issues.. I had attended the wed night service prior to the election and I believe you or Sonja made the point to remember that we are Christions/Kingdom citizens first and fore most...That was truly a timely word (wish more were there to hear receive it). With that being said, it is hard to not recognize or be mindful of your race especially in these situations.
Another thing that troubled/irritated me this election was the assumption and in some circles (mainly secular) the peer pressure that since I am black I was going to or should vote for President Elect Obama. Ideally we live and make decisions not based on our ethnicity but based on the principles we hold dear, and those principle are to be in line with God's word.
As you mentioned though, God tells us to respect the Governing authority......and with that respect we all need to be praying for the nation, Pres. Elect Obama, his family, and all of our leaders. Prov 21:1
This blog thing was a good idea
Something of this nature i feel does bring a breath of fresh air, a renewed life for hope and change. In saying that i mean that it is still possible to see things that we wouldnt ordinarily believe could happn. A event that shows that if you see it believe it,nd have faith in the outcome it can happen. It kind of revives "i feel" a stagnant air of the same ol', same ol'. I like it and hopeful to see what god has in store for the country with this president. An its just exciting to be apart of a time that has these type of things in store.
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