Tuesday, December 16, 2008

God in the Moment...

I am sitting in front of the fire, very early in the morning, and again I am almost spellbound by the goodness of God. Vickie and I have just returned from a truly awesome getaway that was a gift to us from our church. It is really remarkable to consider that my family has been at Cliffdale Christian Center for twenty years. I am not sure that words can express what it is like to shepherd such a wonderful flock for so long a period of time. Watching children grow up from the time they are born, or at least very young, get married, and begin to raise families of their own is a tremendous blessing that many in ministry do not get to experience.

We have witnessed several different, perhaps unique, moves of God over these years. Yet, there is a small voice speaking from deep within my soul that tells me the greatest and best is yet to come. As I look closely at all that is going on throughout the world and within the Church, I am reminded that God, the author and finisher, is still at work. We should each consider making a commitment to experience “God In The Moment” every day we live and breathe. We need not simply recognize where God has passed, as looking through a rearview mirror, when we can experience His presence every moment, in every situation. The Lord is calling us to know and experience Him “face-to-face.” Jacob came through a process that involved first knowing that “God was in this place,” to an encounter in which he knew he had come face-to-face and prevailed. So it seems God is calling those who will listen to such a place.

This will actually be vital to our success and triumph in these uncertain times. When all that can be shaken seems to be shaking, it is a good to know that God, maker of heaven and earth, still has His eye on the sparrow and even cares much more for us.

Be encouraged! Do not be moved by world conditions. Only allow world conditions to move you closer to God and His wonderful love.

In Him,


Housesweeper said...

Hey PG welcome back you look very relaxed. I have had that once in a life time Face-to-face w God and I realize His presence daily. In a world that is increasingly more difficult to realize a God concept let alone the real deal we have our job cut out for us. As the saying goes "it's a good day to die" dying daily to my will and living for His. Again Welcome Back.

Anonymous said...

Hello Pastor Emory, Welcome back!
I will try to keep it short. Growing up I watched my mother go through some tough times, especially after my father passed, but always continuing to give glory and honor to God. Her example of strength has brought me through a lot. Cliffdale has truly been a blessing to me. The teachings God has spoken through you has carried me through many trials. Ok! getting to the point. Relating to your sermon “God in the Moment”, I had gone through a span of depression where I was just going through the motions of life. To the point where I was asking God, when are things going to change I keep serving, sowing seeds but when is my harvest coming. I had been praying for us to be able to buy a house, for dept to be cleared. It’s my passion to serve and help people not looking for any recognition for it, so I was upset with myself for feeling this way. God started showing me glimpses of my life where He carried me through some “stuff”, and at what seemed like the worst time in the economy, He’s say to me ok, now’s the time to buy that house. So I tell Anthoney and it takes him a while to say ok let’s go for it. Pastor these last couple of months have been phenomenal so much so you can’t help but sit back and see God in the Moment. Things I had been praying for, for years are coming to pass. He started changing some things within me spiritually and physically. I always wanted a house with a porch and a big kitchen. Well, God started clearing out some dept and this Monday, December 22nd , we close on our house. And guess what It has a huge porch!!, and so much more.
All that to say this, now I make sure I take some time out of my day just to see God in the Moment. I thank you for allowing God to speak through you to remind me that He is a part of every moment of our day, our life. God bless you and your family this holiday season. Merry Christmas!!!

Barbara Wilson

Omar Reyes said...

Greater works are yet to come in your ministry Pastor Emory. Thought about you guys today and prayed for you today Exodus 13:3,9 14,16, God is about to show you "His Powerful Hand"-Love you'al very much- Omar the belizean/ Texan.