Thursday, August 22, 2013

How To Stay Sane In An Insane World, Part 3


It’s been obvious that this topic of “Staying Sane in an Insane World” has struck a chord with so many, as it’s certainly pertinent to all of our lives. So without further ado, we will continue . . .

The question is: What are we going to do to maintain a level of sanity in an insane environment? What will we do to make sure we don’t become schizophrenic Christians? You know what that means, don’t you? It means to have a mental disorder. Have you ever met any Christians whom you felt had a mental disorder? Well, you’re probably thinking of one right now!

We who love God are so capable of ungodly thoughts and behavior. Isn’t that the truth? Am I the only one? Somebody email me and say, “No, you’re not the only one, Pastor.”

We need not revert to a former mentality or fall back into a deranged mindset. We’re not to be schizophrenic, but we are to be of one heart and one mind just like the disciples were on the Day of Pentecost. Developing “one heart and one mind” will lead us to a place of being in one accord with the will of God.

I’m going to share something with you that I’ve doled out for over twenty-five years to people. Maybe I’ve even shared it with you before. You may say, “Oh man, why is he saying this again?” It’s because you need it! Trust me. Even if you’ve heard this portion before, you need to hear it again, or you wouldn’t be reading this! I’m going to share with you what I call a “spiritual prescription.”  I’m not a doctor, nor do I have a doctorate degree, okay? But this will help you more than Dr. Phil; I guarantee ya. The prescription I’m about to give you has the potential to change your life. Over the years, I’ve issued this prescription to hundreds of people, and I’m always amazed at how few will take the medicine.

I can look at folks and say, “You know, if I were Doc Parker back home at Cliffdale, and you came to see me, I might write you a prescription that you couldn’t even read. I may even sign it in a way that you couldn’t read it, but you’d still go to that drugstore. You’d pay good money for those drugs. I bet you’d set your clock in order to take those pills at the designated time. Even if you had to get up at 2:00 AM because the script said, “take every four hours,” you would get yourself up to take that pill; that’s how much you believe in the prescribed medicine.

How much do you believe in the Word of God? Are you willing to take this pill? It won’t cost a dime; it won’t taste bitter, and it will not have any negative side effects. “Caution must be taken; this medicine may cause lung disease, tuberculosis, and in some cases death.” None of that!!! No ill side effects!

I am convinced that this is the number one issue in most believers’ lives: WE NEED TO GET OUR MINDS RENEWED!!! The number one problem facing Christians today is the unrenewed, unregenerate mind! We are still thinking, in many cases, the way we used to think, which causes us to act the way we used to act and live the way we used to live.

Obviously, we need the Holy Spirit, and we also need the Word of God to come alive in us. The writer of Hebrews said that the Word of God is alive, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, even to the dividing asunder of bone from marrow, spirit from soul, and a discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart. Only the Word of God is sharp enough, alive enough, and powerful enough to cause our minds to be renewed and regenerated.

In the next blog, I will be giving you a basic four-step plan/prescription that I’ve been using and issuing for twenty-five years. It’s a step-by-step program, and anybody can do it!

I pray you have a great week and that God’s blessings overtake you!  Be on the look-out for your prescription!

Grace and Peace,

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