Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Current World Events


Have you ever caught yourself singing lyrics to a song from the past?

I recently had this experience. The words from an old Jackson Browne tune kept rolling in my mind. “Oh people look around you, the signs are everywhere; you’ve left it for somebody else to do what you should have done…”

This phrase seems as relevant now as it was years ago. Many folks are aware that the world appears on the verge of tremendous upheaval.

This is not a “doomsday” message. In fact, it is quite the contrary. Recent events have brought Harbinger, Shemitah, CERN, Economic Collapse, and such to the forefront. How should the people of God respond during these times of obvious chaos, confusion, uncertainty, and fear?

Following are a few recommendations I want to share as a friend, pastor, and fellow servant of the Lord.

First and foremost: Get right and stay right with God! This should always be the first priority in our lives. At times like this, it is vital.

Secondly: Be in the will of God. Know what God wants you to do and where He wants you to be. Our success and victory are found in knowing and doing the will of God, nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else. It is essential to be where the Lord wants us to be when things begin to shake. Doing God’s will where He wants us to do it is of utmost importance.

To be sure, there are practical things we can do in the event the economy collapses or electricity goes down for an extended period of time. Consider what you would do if the power were to go off for a few days or weeks. It is better to prepare and have nothing happen than to be unprepared and things break down. This is a message I shared several years ago, and it appears to be even more relevant today.

Thirdly: Walk by faith! Believers MUST continually feed faith and starve doubt, worry, and fear. Faith will get us anywhere and anything in God’s Kingdom. Without faith, we cannot truly approach God, much less receive His wisdom and walk in His ways.

The people of God are to be as the “sons of Issachar.”

"Of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do…" (1 Chronicles 12:32).

God gives understanding to those who diligently seek Him. As a result, we can know what to do.

This will be a season of great revival and great falling away. Most every major move of God was birthed in the midst or on the heels of tremendous upheaval and chaos. Consider the “Jesus Movement” and the first and second “Great Awakenings.”

The earth is moaning. There is travail taking place. May we find our place in the presence of God, make His Word our foundation and guiding light, and shine as “the light of the world.”

It is better to die in the will of God than to live outside of it!

There is more to come. Until then…

Grace & Peace,

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