Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Divine Indwelling, Part 2


The Divine Indwelling, Part 2

Jesus came to restore all that was lost as a result of man’s original sin. Through His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension the full price of redemption was paid. As a result, man could again experience God, the Creator, just as he had in the Garden of Paradise.

As we place our faith in Christ’s finished work, we are restored back into relationship with God and can now receive “the promise of the Father,” the divine indwelling. Christ sent His Spirit to live in us. He, the Spirit, could now be man’s comforter and teacher.

Believers, having expressed faith in Christ, would now function as God’s own temple on the earth. The Kingdom of God was to be revealed throughout the world as individuals experience God’s divine influence on their hearts and reflect it wherever they happen to be. Ordinary folks can receive power to change the atmosphere in which they live. As ambassadors, we represent God’s kingdom on the earth. He has made us to be “kings and priests” in order to exercise dominion here and now.

How can this be accomplished in our lives? First and foremost, we must receive revelation as God’s Spirit communicates with our own. This takes place in what is referred to as our “inner-man"—our center-most part—the heart. This spiritual revelation then must be given opportunity to communicate truth to our minds in order for us to experience transformation from a worldly mindset to a kingdom mentality.

Additionally, we must give place to the Spirit and allow Him to manifest His ways, will, and works through our lives.

Jesus made reference to the fact that the kingdom of God is within us. Apostle Paul gives us a general description of what this is and how it looks.

“For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17).

Righteousness means we now have “right standing” before God. It also means to live in “right alignment” with Him. To be sure, this gives the opportunity to experience true peace in any situation. It is also cause for lasting joy, which is our source of strength. Christ even gives us His joy in order for our joy to be full.

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full" (John 15:11).

Now, in simple terms, there are three basic “kingdoms” that must be recognized: the kingdom of God, the kingdom of darkness, and the kingdom of “self.”

We are always representing a kingdom through daily living and all situations. That is what ambassadors do. Typically, as Christians, we are demonstrating either God’s kingdom or our own.

When God’s kingdom is being manifested, the fruit of the Spirit will be openly displayed. This is evidence that we are “under the influence” of the Holy Spirit.

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God" (Romans 8:14).

To be “led,” literally means to be “under the influence,” especially as it pertains to the mental faculties (Thayer's). As a result of this divine influence, we can reflect the character of God as true “sons,” or children, who have received the Father’s discipline.

We no longer have to labor or strain to show that we are God’s very own. The supernatural becomes natural. We have opportunity to display outwardly the fruit of the kingdom within us. All we have to do is yield our lives to the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. There is more to be said about what this looks like in our day-to-day experiences and relationships.

True success and victory are found in ultimate surrender to the Divine Indwelling!

Grace & peace,

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