Saturday, January 9, 2016

Here We Are


Here We Are

So folks, here we are at the start of another calendar year!

I am quite sure many of us never thought we would live to see 2016, but we have survived by the goodness and grace of God. It seems fitting to share a few thoughts and insights. I do this with full knowledge that anything good flowing through this vessel is from the Lord, for in myself is nothing of lasting value.

My prayer is that someone, somewhere will glean something that can help along the journey of life and growth as a believer and a follower of Christ. We are all moving along in a flow and are in a place of transition right now. You and I are somewhere between what we were and what we are becoming. There is a process of molding, shaping, and continual development taking place whether we are mindful of it or not.

The Master Potter has begun a good work and will be faithful to complete it as we learn to simply yield to the influences along the path. This involves both the practical and spiritual, or divine experiences we encounter. There are many things that have the power to influence, and thus shape our lives during our journey.

Here are a few gleaned from A.W. Tozer (I have added the content):

THOUGHTS: We would do well to take into account the great power that lies in our thinking. Scripture says, “As (a man) thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). How we think and what we think about are very powerful influences in our lives. No Christian has thoughtlessly stumbled into sin without first brooding over the desire for a time. In similar fashion, as we meditate on the Lord, His Word, His will, and His ways, the more we take delight in what is good. Remember: we are responsible for our thought-life as much as the actions that result.

FRIENDS: We may not want to admit it; however, the company we keep influences us all. Yes, we are here to change the world around us, and we all want to believe we are the great influencers of life. The truth is we are both. Therefore, we would do well to consider our circle of friends.

BOOKS: What we read has tremendous power on the way we think. In a very real sense, those printed words are much like a potter, and our mind is the clay. We come under the influence as we surrender our intellect and absorb that which we’ve focused our attention on. Be mindful of the books you read, whether for mere enjoyment or education. The issue is not “how many” books we read. What really matters is the content. It is better to reread a few good books than to read many books of little value.

MUSIC: This can be a point of controversy for some. The truth is, music has a subtle way of conditioning the human mind. It can sway our thinking and influence our will towards righteousness or sin. Music is a powerful, creative force that goes way beyond mere entertainment!

PLEASURES: God has fashioned man to enjoy life. We all require a certain amount of pleasure. It would serve each of us well to consider what brings us pleasure. Sin is always standing at the door to lure us in a direction contrary to righteousness. Our greatest pleasures are found in knowing and doing the will of God. Let’s commit to finding pleasure in His presence and not the temporal things of life.

AMBITIONS: No one has ever accomplished anything without ambition. We see this characteristic demonstrated in the life of every great man or woman of God. It is a powerful driving force and can be routed in a myriad of directions. Ambition compels and empowers us to fulfill vision. It brings passion to get things done. We are responsible for our ambitions. If we are more driven for the things of the world, we end up with nothing. On the other hand, if we are constantly going for the things of God, we can have it all.

In conclusion, let’s be mindful of the things that truly influence our lives this year. Make adjustments where needed. I want to add one more point as we embark on another year together . . . let’s learn to SIMPLIFY our lives! Too many of God’s people are living complicated lives that seem to rob them of the simple pleasures the Lord has provided. Christianity was never intended to be complicated. Rather, God made it so simple that even you and I can enjoy the journey from the cross to the throne.

There will be more about that next time.

Until then . . .

Grace & Peace,

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